**UPDATE 1/16/2023: The full workshop series option is sold out, but you can still register for individual classes. See our events page for details! **
Wool To Wear Full Workshop Series
The full workshop series option includes attendance at all five Wool to Wear classes and all materials needed for each class. This option also provides a savings of $40 compared to registering for each class individually.
All workshops take place on Wednesday evenings at Gwenyn Hill Farm.
Intro to Raw Fleece | January 18, 6pm – 8pm
Learn to select a quality fleece – skirt it, wash it, and consider different preparation methods to fit your purpose. Each person will receive 2lbs of raw wool from Gwenyn Hill’s flock of Cotswold and Border Leicester sheep.
Wool Preparation | February 1, 6pm – 8pm
Learn to card, comb, and flick your fleece to prepare roving and top for spinning. We’ll discuss each method and the different types of yarn they produce. Participants will try a variety of tools ranging from hand cards and combs to drum carders and blending boards used to combine fibers and produce unique color combinations.
Spin your Wool | March 29, 6pm – 8pm
plus one small group session prior to March 29
Learn the basics of spinning on a wheel before gathering for a group class to try different spinning wheels and troubleshoot techniques. Each attendee will have 2oz. of roving to use for spinning in addition to any wool prepared in previous sessions.
Knit or Crochet your Yarn | April 5 & April 12, 6pm – 8pm
Participants will divide into groups to begin a project of their choice, based on skill level and personal preference. Guest instructors will lead various projects in the small groups during two sessions.
Weave your Wool | May 3, 6pm – 8pm
Learn the basics of weaving on a 4-shaft floor loom and rigid heddle (tabletop) loom. We’ll discuss the advantages and drawbacks of each type of loom and practice tapestry weaving on a personal frame loom that can be used again and again!
Not ready to commit to the whole workshop series? Visit our events page to sign up for individual classes.