Farmtime Rhyme

 By Caitlin Cummings

Liz is in the field,
Figuring out the plan.
Laura is hauling containers,
To the market van.

Ezequiel’s in the washing shed,
Spraying the potatoes.
Benji’s in the field,
Harvesting the tomatoes.

Adrian is hoeing,
It’s an ongoing battle.
Ryan’s in the pasture,
Herding all the cattle.

Josh is feeding chickens,
And caring for the sheep.
Kelsey’s in the barn,
Finding dirt to sweep.

Diane and Jim are fixing doors,
Revarnishing with a brush.
Ben is in the orchard,
Ensuring the trees stay lush.

Brian’s digging through the freezer,
Stocking all the meat.
Miguel has got the weed whacker,
Trimming near the beets.

Linda’s attending meetings,
She’s been stuck there all day.
Lindsey’s in the flowers,
Picking a bouquet.

Kerem is busy irrigating,
We haven’t had any rain.
Caitlin was asked to write a post,
It’s really such a pain.

So instead she wrote this poem,
She hopes it’s made you smile.
And hopes she won’t be asked to write
Another for a while.


Gwenyn Hill Acrostic

Getting up before the sun.
Water pounds down on our heads.
Everyone hurries through the harvest list.
Now it’s lunchtime.
Yellow sun comes out.
Now it’s 98 degrees.
Heat index of 103.
I don’t know how I’ll survive this.
Like the birds, Benji whistles.
Liz rides a bike to bring us popsicles.
Food is passed around by Miguel.
Adrian carves a silly face into a vegetable.
Red-faced with heat and laughter, we return to the barn.
Morrow we do it all again.

Caitlin Cummings, a first-year Organic Vegetable Farm Manager apprentice at Gwenyn Hill, has been farming for seven years and has never had to write a blog post before, but she did write one email detailing the contents of the week’s CSA share and lamenting how short a time it takes for summer squash to get too large.

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