Cultivating Tradition
In 1842, J.D. Williams left his home in Wales and sailed to America, where he learned of a Welsh settlement in the Wisconsin Territory. Upon arriving here, he noted the similarities to the rolling countryside he had left behind. He married Elizabeth Davis, and together they started a family and began farming on her family’s farm. Across five generations, their family cleared woods, picked rocks, grazed sheep, made hay and milked cows for their dairy operation.
In 2016, the farm passed into new hands, becoming Gwenyn Hill Farm. The name Gwenyn is Welsh for honeybee. Our thriving numbers of bees and other pollinators reflect the health of this valley. Lloyd Williams, who grew up on this land, continues to assist with farm operations.
We’ve planted a fruit orchard and vineyard, are replanting hedgerows and increasing pollinator habitats for our birds, bees and butterflies. We’ve also reintroduced traditional, sustainable practices, such as working with draft horses when it’s practical to do so. It’s part of our focus on making small-scale farming more cost effective, sustainable and respectful of the natural world.
Gwenyn Hill is proud to be a diverse, organic farm, sustainably raising food for our local community. Marketing within our region allows us to raise flavorful, unique varieties of fruits and vegetables, often too tender for transport. We’re passionate about heritage breeds of cattle, sheep and poultry––those best adapted to grazing systems. We recognize the value of unique varieties of organic grains for their flavor and reduced gluten content. Our steepest slopes are protected with perennial crops, including native grasses and wildflowers. We’re committed to helping protect the biodiversity of plants and animals in Wisconsin.
Toward The Future
The future of agriculture and the health of our food system depend on our present actions. From an ancient proverb comes this wisdom: “All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.”
Learn about our current endeavors in farming and land stewardship by reading our journal.