Links of Interest

Beehive Box Pollination - Gwenyn Hill Farm - Wisconsin

by Linda Halley | It was nearly a year ago when Gwenyn Hill posted its first blog. It felt a little like speaking up into the night sky. How far would the words travel? Would anyone hear (or read) them? Nevertheless, we posted, and committed to continue posting regularly. Some posts are of the mundane variety, like news or observations about the day. Some posts are a way to share our skills and philosophy. Other posts are about new and exciting discoveries we know others will enjoy and benefit from.

Notes from Gwenyn Hill is meant to give readers insight into what Gwenyn Hill Farm is about, but also what others are doing that inspires us and influences our work here, and may influence and inspire you. I’ve gathered up some of the links from this season’s posts so they are all right here, easy to explore. I hope you enjoy them and that it sparks an interest in coming back to our journal on a regular basis.

A hot topic these days is what is happening to honeybees and wild pollinators. We all know that our food supply depends on pollination, no matter whether the pollinators are wild or domestic bees.

Wild pollinators: The Hidden Beauty of Pollination

Domestic honeybees: Why Bees are Disappearing

What do cows have to do with soil? This will surprise you: Soil Carbon Cowboys

And about your food:

CSA Tips

Organic vs. Conventional Pesticides

Seed to Kitchen Collaborative

Linda Halley is General Manager of Gwenyn Hill Farm and a life-long organic farmer and educator.

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