by Susan Speidell | When was the last time you had an opportunity to take a cooking class that focused on brain health? As soon as I saw the invitation to attend a cooking class led by Dr. Rose Kumar, I knew it had my name all over it! Who doesn’t love a cooking class, especially when it’s at your favorite organic farm, using their produce, and talking about health?
Dr. Kumar and The Ommani Center
Dr. Kumar heads the Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine in Pewaukee. I learned that she is board-certified in Internal Medicine. She graduated from Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York City, completed an internship at UC San Francisco, and did her residency at Stanford University in Internal Medicine. She is a recognized expert on the ways in which food affects our health.
Dr. Kumar was chopping ingredients at the kitchen island when I arrived, having already prepped most of the evening meal. She had her book, Becoming Real, available for purchase after the meal. Everyone was settling in around two large tables, getting acquainted with each other.
The Impact of Food on Brain Health
Dr. Kumar started the evening by explaining the impact of food on brain function. The information was so intriguing that I was instantly sucked into the deep discussion about our bodies, how they work, and what happens when we eat certain foods. Just knowing and talking about these things made me even more excited to taste the meal she was preparing.
We found out which foods are best for us, and how we can incorporate more of them into our diets. We were encouraged to exercise more and lead less stressful lives to lessen the inflammation in our bodies. There are so many trends out there today, it’s hard to know which one is the right one for each of us, but one thing is for sure, eating high quality, plant-based food is key. Dr. Kumar believes many diseases and conditions can be reversed or minimized by eating this way.
Increase Vegetables & Fruits, Decrease Sugar & Stress
As she was cooking our meal and serving it to us, Dr. Kumar provided some easy tips and fun facts about special foods, spices, and condiments, and how they can enhance our immune systems. She also spoke about foods that are not as good for us, such as sugar and alcohol, and the negative impact they have on our liver function. All the dishes she prepared were plant-based, organic, and delicious. The quality of the produce was of course second to none, in true Gwenyn Hill style.
Dr. Kumar was a delight to watch in the kitchen. She is an excellent cook and motivated us to improve our health through an organic, plant-based diet, exercise, and low stress. I am looking forward to her next cooking class!
You can read more on the topic of brain health on Dr. Kumar’s blog at
Susan loves Gwenyn Hill Farm’s produce so much that she shops at the Brookfield Farmers Market weekly, in addition to being a CSA member.