Organic Plants for Nourishment

Summer Vegetables

by Lexie Goldberg | Nourishment is a word that circles around my head and heart constantly. Each and every day, our conscious and subconscious thoughts and actions either nourish our bodies and minds, or deplete them. A huge aspect of nourishment and self-care is the food we choose to eat. Our food choices and our ability to digest our food directly correlate not only to the health of our bodies, but also our minds.

Seeking out fresh, seasonal, and locally grown food is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

From the Standard American Diet…

Vegetable DisplayGrowing up, I didn’t have the best diet. I was one of those 90’s kids that was hooked on chicken nuggets, french fries, and pasta. Eating healthy was not on my radar. Then, when I was in preschool, my father had a heart attack. Thankfully, he survived, and overnight he did a total 360 with his lifestyle and diet. For his own survival, he began to look at food differently: dropping all animal proteins, except for seafood, eliminating most cooking fats, except for olive oil and avocado oil, cutting out milk, and keeping cheese to a minimum.  It wasn’t a popular term back then, but what he did was essentially go “plant-based”. He called it healthy living. I called it a punishment. At that time it seemed so difficult to make such drastic changes, plus I thought vegetables were evil.

Over the years, as I expanded my palate and educated myself about the impact that our diet has on our health and mind, it became almost impossible not to want to change to a more plant-based diet. Once I started to focus on the abundance of delicious food that Mother Earth provides, and viewed food as nourishment rather than punishment, a whole new world opened up for me.

… To Plant-Based

What I have come to realize is that we are the only species on the planet that does not innately know how or what to feed itself. Even the most knowledgeable doctors and health professionals don’t know exactly what diet is 100% right for each and every person.  That can feel really confusing and overwhelming.

I don’t know the perfect diet either, but I do know that what makes me feel my best physically, mentally, and energetically is a diet made up of mostly organic plants. Over the years I’ve worked really hard to mute the chatter of diet fads and health-hacks, and instead decided to listen and check in with my body for what it wants and needs. When I do that, I find it asks me to eat real whole foods, and to avoid processed “foods”. 

A Journey to Nourishment

Chef LexieI am now on a journey of helping others learn to do the same by sharing my passion for organic food, nourishment, and mindfulness. One way I do this is by helping busy families and individuals eat well as a personal chef and I love it. Being of service to others in this way is so fulfilling. I felt called to expand my service a bit further while growing my own knowledge around food and farming, which is why I was so interested in being the chef here at Gwenyn Hill Farm. Having the opportunity to get to know and learn from local farmers, be part of a community that values eating vibrant organic plants, and be of service to others by sharing healthy and delicious recipes fills my heart and soul with joy.

They say every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body, and having the honor to work as the Gwenyn Hill Farm Chef has allowed me to find even broader meaning through cooking for the farm crew and inspiring CSA members with yummy recipes that nourish as well. 

Lexie Goldberg is Gwenyn Hill Farm’s in-house chef.

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